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Damian Pederick

Five Considerations when choosing a door for your warehouse

Tips for finding the right door solution When you're choosing the right door for your warehouse, it's important to consider a range of factors, from the size of the doorway to the insulation grade of the door's materials. The Remax team have created this list of the 5 major considerations of the...

Controlling costs and your carbon footprint in a cold storage facility

3 smart ways for your business to reduce energy costs Some Australian cold storage businesses are reporting that with increasing electricity network charges, their energy costs account for up to 30% of their earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortisation. To compound this,...

Creating a warehouse traffic management plan

5 key features to include to ensure forklift safety At heart a warehouse’s traffic management plan involves identifying and dealing with risks. Many warehouses operate around the clock, which makes a traffic management plan crucial to smooth uninterrupted operation. Any failure in the plan will...

Warehouse pest control strategies

Tips for rodent prevention and extermination It is often said that the most threatening pest in the food industry is the rodent. Rodents have been implicated in over 55 widespread diseases, with a range of pathogens stretching from parasitic worms to viruses. Not only are rodents responsible for...